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5.0 average, based on 1 reviews
Manufacturer: Ozark Pickle Pantry
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Some like it hot!! So, we've taken our best seller, the "Sweet Tangy Dill," and added more 'kick!' "It'll put a 'hitch in your git-along. '" You still get the crunch and our three distinct flavors plus the delight of extra heat at the end. The "Hot Tangy Dill" is our 'star' pickle with more heat! We had so many requests for a hot version of our best seller, "Sweet Tangy Dill." This version has won the hearts (and taste buds) of those that like it HOT. Not so much that you sweat, but a sheer delight for your taste buds. We've retained our famous crunchy texture and the three distinct taste of sweet, dill, and 'kick' for a pickle that so different from store varieties, it's reputation keeps it one of our hottest sellers.
Product Code: OZAFGKRX10
Average Rating: 5
I took a jar to work and put them on my sandwich with no condiments. So very good! I haven't used mayo or mustard since. Thank you!!
William kurtz :: 16 Sep 2018, 20:22
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Ozark Sweet & Tangy Dill
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